Thursday 4 April 2013

Italy Seizes Record Assets in Sicily - BBC

Italy seizes record assets in Sicily
Check out the above link from the BBC.
This a record amount of money seized by Italys anti mafia police.These anti mafia police were the first ever created many countries have adopted or modeled the Italian's approach. These type of units has led to many countries ammending laws usually to empower these type of police forces. Laws such as granting them the ability to seize assets with out any charges being laid. Thy right to tap or evesdrop on suspects without warrants granted. NZ's equivelent here they are called OFCANZ.
So far our NZ version OFCANZ has seized in exccess of 30 million dollars from "people who had unexplained wealth".
Now the mafia who have been going a long time with an exstensive global network particulary in Europe and the USA. Naturally they must have so much unexplained wealth they must have thought they had to do something with it and they did, they gave it to this guy who seems to be the front man of what appears to be a mafia attempt at laundrying thier unexplained wealth.

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