A.C.A.B has always maintained an interest in crime media reports. By following what happens in media he is simply offering his opinion right or wrong.
Saturday, 27 April 2013
Mums the Word Stuff Article
Mums the word well done NZ Stuff and Mum.
K.C.s Set Up Shop in Wellington
Gang and Club franchise options seem to be a trend for these groups these days this article also mentions the Head Hunters branching out into Wellington previously blogged about by A.C.A.B.
NZ stuff article detailing the seizure of illicit substances in the Wellington region by Police from the King Cobras formed in the 1950s they are officially NZs oldest gang. They have always been an Auckland feature A.C.A.B knew some members from his school days and when his father was commanding officer of the Ponsonby Police Base. This gang was born in Ponsonby Auckland predominantly made up of Pacific Island members and these days have significant numbers throughout the Auckland district including prison, this is the first time A.C.A.B has heard of their reach extending out of Auckland.
Seized Millions fail to help NZ Herald
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Seized Cash |
It is known fact the police in NZ have being using the revenue to buy more advanced technology such as eavesdropping equipment, GPS tracking equipment, Ariel drones and at $100K per unit camera recognition units capable for patrolling police cars to scan car Registration number plates and check against government databases for Registration and WOF details and infringements no longer requiring them to radio base for information or status. Such cameras are being produced mostly by the UK, Australian Police are using them standard in most patrolling police cars and the NZ police are said to be engineering a broader rollout in the very near future.
Sad note to this article is the end drug addict is forgotten with none of this revenue being assigned to rehabilitation or educational uses.
Article found here
Monday, 15 April 2013
Opium crop in Afghanistan heading for record highs
Article on Afghanistan opium crop for this year. As all countries in a state of civil war each side of the conflict needs funds so the forces fighting for power tend to use narcotics as a means to funding their causes. A.C..A.B struggled years ago briefly with heroin addiction a case of "chasing the dragon" trouble became him it be maybe noted, he knows about the evils of this drug and how wretched it be. With Afghanistans 15% of GDP being this years expected crop it is a worrying trend for Afghanistan and the regoins stability .
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Once a Man has been to Shangri La he will always struggle to get back |
Judges in NZ-Herald you be the judge?
You be the judge: What sentence would you give? | NZ Herald
Smart article from the new zealand herald today sanders the question you be the judge? Open for comment
Friday, 5 April 2013
Arrested for Drum and Bass? really ?
Thursday, 4 April 2013
Rebels MC busted by Australian Police
Watch "World Gang Classic's #2 - "Rebels MC" OZ - NZTV.avi" on YouTube
Here is a youtube clip of a tv camera following Australian police
unit raiding a Rebels MC headquarters this has footage of the bust and use of power tools to force their way into the clubhouse. The Rebels are new to NZ are doing their best to establish NZ charters or clubs. Newspaper.articled they are patching over Tribesman MC members and clubs. They have been subject to a number of NZ police operations resaulting in numerous members being sentenced to time in prison.
Legal High Clip
Interesting article about legal highs in europe, the modern day drug dealer.
27th April 2013 News Republic Article Removed
Thanks to The Young Turks channel another example found
See below
Ticket machine card fraud rise in EU
Ticket machine card fraud rise in EU http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-22013231
Its only a matter of time before we see the same type of fraud here in New Zealand . With the adoption of technology experienced around the world at this time with more and more devices being computerized this article highlights a shift from criminals targeting deposit bank ATM's this time parking ticket machines A.C.A.B we will see more of this type.of crime reported.
Italy Seizes Record Assets in Sicily - BBC
Italy seizes record assets in Sicily http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-22017112
Check out the above link from the BBC.
This a record amount of money seized by Italys anti mafia police.These anti mafia police were the first ever created many countries have adopted or modeled the Italian's approach. These type of units has led to many countries ammending laws usually to empower these type of police forces. Laws such as granting them the ability to seize assets with out any charges being laid. Thy right to tap or evesdrop on suspects without warrants granted. NZ's equivelent here they are called OFCANZ.
So far our NZ version OFCANZ has seized in exccess of 30 million dollars from "people who had unexplained wealth".
Now the mafia who have been going a long time with an exstensive global network particulary in Europe and the USA. Naturally they must have so much unexplained wealth they must have thought they had to do something with it and they did, they gave it to this guy who seems to be the front man of what appears to be a mafia attempt at laundrying thier unexplained wealth.
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
Another Funny One - Cannabis Crimes
Teen dobs in parents over cannabis
Funny article again, this time about an 18 year old dobbin in their parents for growing cannabis. The 18 year old found the urgent need to call the police upon discovering two mature cannabis plants in the backyard of the parents home whilst visiting with friends. The parents who were absent are expected to answer questioning at the local police station no doubt charges pending. Again with the seasonal harvest for outdoor grown pot taking part at present time many parents up and down the country will be sitting nervously prunning their vegetable gardens avoiding all measures to get caught, this highlights the mistrust the 18 year old has in their parents. Cannabis should not be a crime A.C.A.B believes the laws should be changed and believes it can be manageable with education respobsibility and support. The problem the government cant ammend the laws to allow us to grow in our backyards for personal use as this is the obvious case here, why? Because they cant tax it like they do with alchahol and tobbacco.
The truth of the matter if they did make all drugs legal and taxed in a modern manner they would make not millions but billions. Cannabis is a manageable drug unlike alchahol a legal taxed parasite on our culture.
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
ATM Withdrawl
Watch "Thieves bomb petrol station ATM" on YouTube
Watch this method of making an ATM money withdrawl. Awesome CCTV footage of the thieves handy work shows use of a high powered explosive to get the loot. News reports state the thieves got away with an undisclosed amount of cash.
The offical local police posted this via there offical youtube channel found here