Friday 29 March 2013

Grandma vs The Hells Angels

A.C.A.B had a good laugh when he read the news article found below. An Australian Victorian Hells Angels Sergeant-at-Arms Peter "Skitzo" Hewat is facing serious charges after trying to reclaim his lost white shih-tzu terrier. Now A.C.A.B didn't meet too many Hells Angels in his shit kicking days but he does know their reputation for striving to being "top of the food chain". "Skitzo" from A.C.A.B's assumption would be somebody you wouldn't want to cross at all merits he thinks if you should do so such an act would bring a whole lot of trouble down upon you really fast. This doesn't seem to be the case for the Grandmother who found the lost dog and would not hand the dog back to it's owners without proof of ownership even if he did assault her and then send two unknown soldiers who then threaten her with a firearm. Of course the boys couldn't get the dog back the Grandma obviously thought I should report this to the Police who then became involved they raided the Sergeant-at-Arms business address where they discovered a pill press (probably another problem he could have done without of) for which he has been charged with including other business related offences for which charges were also laid and he is now facing.

Now who of  us would expect a shih-tzu terrier would be his undoing its sounds as though Mr and Mrs Skitzo really loved this dog and A.C.A.B thinks the Grandma liked the dog as well by the sounds of the story she didn't want to give it back, also of note when the Whanganui Chapter of the Hells  Angels in NZ were making their appearances before the Whanganui District Council in regards to by laws they wished to pass regarding the bulldozing of their headquarters it was said in the newspaper article that their lawyer got up before the council and said they were "motorcycle enthusiasts who loved their mums and liked cats" A.C.A.B loves his mum and likes cats also. Now shih-tzu terriers loving their mums and liking cats are not what we hear everytime they the 81's when they are mentioned in the media its usualy warfare with rivals or over attention from the Police and A.C.A.B states that all we hear in  the media  isn't nesescarily true but even as he feels this should have been resolved with a more subtle approach and Skito must agree he at this very moment he must be cursing that damned dog he obviously loved it even if it did end this badly for him its great to hear these guys are normal and not the monsters the media typically protrays. Stuff article here

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