Monday 23 August 2010

Dr Sharples and the Gang Pad

Great to see Maori Party co-leader Pita Sharples speaking up for the Black Power Gang, the NZ Herald article (found here) however does not agree and is calling Dr Sharples naive. Its really good to see a politician speaking up for what is publicly  generally viewed as undesirables. Banishing the gang from their own headquarters would drive them underground and would make it even more difficult for the Police to monitor.

Cannabis goes legal

NZ Herald article here detailing the legalisation of  persrciption medication manufactured from cannabis. This is another win win situation for those amongst us who use cannabis to combat illness. This is a new step in Britan hopefully its a matter of time before it is adopted in New Zealand. We shouldn't make criminals out of the people who seek solace from it. Medical people have known for a long time cannabis has benefits for those with illness's such as MS, they simply weren't allowed legally to prescribe cannabis in any form.

About Time Too

The government has been urged to declassify Ecstasy so it can be used on people in clinical medical trials to see if it can treat Parkinson's disease and post traumatic stress. About time to, allowing this to happen would be of immense benefit to health sufferers of Parkinson's disease and others. This is a far better solution to have a reputable government monitored provider of pure MDMA. Much of the bad press given to MDMA is not so much MDMA its self its the disreputable people manufacturing or mixing their illegal substances with something such as ketamine, heroin or speed. On the streets it is very nearly impossible to buy a pure MDMA pill, its very rare and what drug users are buying is the bad mix of other chemicals or dirty compounds which cause the bad effects for the end user's. The government should monitor and clinically produce pure medications for peoples use including recreational users and not leave it to disreputable cooks of the underworld.
NZ Herald Link here

Thursday 5 August 2010

King Cobra gangster Daniel Vae

King Cobra gangster Daniel Vae has been arrested. It seems suspicious that the Police say the gang is preparing for a war to control the streets of Auckland drugs trade. Stuff Article As the arming of Police debate looms in the back ground this just seems convenient to label the gang as arming for war, where are the drive by shootings where are the executions of rival gang members. This just seems really suspicious.