Tuesday 27 July 2010

Black Power Gang Pad

Black Power Gang Pad (NZ Herald)

Seized under the criminal proceeds act its ironic the Black Power look set to reown the property at hand. Couldn't the council have the place demolished? At the frustration of the police who fought for 3 years to seize the property to finally succeed this undermines the whole process. This is a bad example of how the criminal proceed act has failed the Police initiative. Do these laws really work? No I don't think so.

Pharmacist P Dealer

Pharmacist P Link

The chemist on charges stating that he was trying to help the community and Police is a joke. He openly sold the precursor to anybody for an inflated price. Does he really believe he was helping people and the police out? Selling the product for an inflated price is pure greed. He deserves everything that's coming to him. The police installed cameras with his knowledge surely he must have known it was time to stop, but no greed has obviously got the better of him.

Monday 26 July 2010

Police Pursuit Policy


Police reviewing there policies again, this article highlights an incident when they laid road spikes causing the car being chased to crash. This brings to question who is liable or who is at fault. The Police will probably wash their hands of blame on this one but it has brought a review of their policy it's a pity it cost somebodies life to do so.

Monday 19 July 2010

Gangs Back In Confiscated House

They say its not good to kick a man when he's down. Mark Pitman Black Power President had the house confiscated from him and is now in jail because of cannabis offending. Now the property is being leased to the Black Power again from an unknown trust. If I remember correctly the Black Power received assistance from then Prime Minister Rob Muldoon in the form of works grants they used this leg up to obtain the possession and then ownership of the property. This happened back in the time when gang violence was a normal part of everyday life for Member's. Gang members have known for some time that hiding your assets in a trust makes it even harder for the powers that be to seize. It will be interesting to see what becomes of the situation now if I was Black Power I would want to be staying under the radar at this point.

The Arming of Police Debate

The Arming of front line Police Officers debate has been prevalent lately. Last nights shooting highlights the fact that most Police in New Zealand already have ready access to firearms.
Making it official assuring the wider public that this will benefit the safety of Police and the wider public themselves is not going to reduce police firearm related incidents but excel these statistics as it now stands They are currently armed so be the case it is something most hardcore criminals already know. Police have ready access to firearms take the incident last week in Christchurch where the Police dog was shot during a routine drug search one of the officers shot made it back to the Patrol car and armed himself, this proves they do have ready access as it stands. How far does the government want to take this are we going to see the binding of every Police officer with a firearm wild west style side holsters and it in public view. I say let it stand as it is Police deal with these issues regularly they are available but its their secret let it be. Imagine a Police person getting into a scuffle with a drunk for example something that happens everyday for a Police person add the wearing of the firearm in a side holster whilst the scuffle is happening, it has the potential for disaster the Police person with his own firearm added into the mix could have it potentially used on upon himself. Arming each and every member of the NZ Police has no benefit whatsoever it will only increase the violence related statistics.

Saturday 17 July 2010

Actor Gets Sentenced

Actor Rob Mokaraka has been sentenced to 400 hours community service.
Now this man called Police to his Pt Chevalier property and challenged them to shoot him, subsequently they did and he has now survived a bullet wound to the chest. Provoking the Police in to doing such a thing is not smart he is damn lucky to be alive and 400 hours of community service is light. The judge said there was no point in sentencing him to prison when he had given so much to the community which makes me wonder what a non actor would have to contribute towards the community to also be given such a light sentence. What would be its measure towards impact on the community? Are there two standards in this country’s sentencing laws between Actors and non Actors? Suicide by cop is a common obstacle overseas for Police lets hope we don’t see a new trend starting here.